
Homemade DIY Transfer Image on Fabric !!!

Homemade DIY Transfer Image on Fabric !!!

Nowadays,people love Homemade DIY so much,here is an example:Homemade DIY Transfer Image on Fabric.

1.What you must need is Sublimation Transfer Paper.

2.Digital printing machine.

3.Print your image in reverse, and be careful not to touch the ink. It will stay wet until the next step.

4.Carefully lay it down on the fabric where you want the graphic and iron it down. Make sure your iron is set on NO steam. I ironed about 60 seconds to make sure everything was in place.

5.After you're ironed down, put the runner on a hard surface (like a table) and use something to burnish down the paper even more. I did it with and without this step – it really does make a big difference! Just rub, rub, rub and make sure that you've went over all of the graphic.

6.Then peel off the paper – and you’re done! The ironing makes the paper grab to the fabric, so it’ll be a bit like peeling off tape.

7.At last,the perfect work done!


What Are the Benefits of Using Ceramic Cups?

What Are the Benefits of Using Ceramic Cups? 

    We all know that there are different cups with different materials such as plastic, metal and ceramic cups. But with the development of cheap plastic with metal cup, fewer people use ceramic cups. Ceramic cup is the healthiest compare with plastic cup and metal cup.

    What are the benefits of using ceramic cup to drink water or tea?

    On the one hand, plastic cup or less plastic cups bring about harmful gas and material, according to experts confirmed that long-term use of plastic cup has the possibility of cancer.

    On the other hand, ceramic mug is completely harmless, it doesn't like metal cup, long-term use can have harmful metals intake


7 Foods We Shouldn't Eat Before Sleep.

It is not written by myself,but it's really helpful.i couldn't help to tell my friends here.
This article was written by Victoria Wolk
Eating right before bed is a recipe for gaining weight and sleeping poorly, but it can also seriously damage the tissue in your throat and esophagus. No doubt you’re familiar with acid reflux—which occurs when digestive juices back up into the chest or throat and cause a burning sensation—but there’s also something called “silent reflux,” which is different from common heartburn. It has the same causes but without the usual symptoms. Instead of indigestion, sufferers get sore throats, chronic coughs, and difficulty swallowing. Nearly 50 percent of Americans have silent reflux and don’t know it, says aryngologist Jamie Koufman, M.D., who has been studying and treating the condition for about 30 years.

“The single greatest risk factor is, by far, the time that people eat dinner,” says Koufman. She recommends having supper no later than three hours before bed. But even if you manage to do that, be aware that late-night snacking can have the same ruinous effect. If you are going to hit the fridge or pantry before you hit the sack, here are eight things you should never, ever grab.


It relaxes the valves that connect the stomach and esophagus. When this happens, your body is unable to keep food where it belongs. “If you have alcohol just before bed, you’re pretty much asking to have reflux,” says Koufman.


It doesn't get much more acidic than soda. In fact, soda is actually more acidic than anything found in nature, says Koufman. The acid damages those same valves. Plus, carbonation increases stomach pressure.


Certain flavors are high in fat—which comforts and relaxes the valves, too—and it contains caffeine and a lesser-known stimulant called theobromine, essentially making it a triple whammy.


It's another fatty food, but if you must indulge, hard varieties such as Parmesan and Swiss have less of a reflux effect than softer types such as feta and mozzarella. (Yes, that means no pizza.)


When it comes to reflux, fat is fat, whether saturated or unsaturated. So despite the fact that nuts generally contain a healthy dose of the latter, they should be avoided before bed. Cashews, walnuts, macadamias and peanuts are the worst, says Koufman, while pistachios and almonds aren’t quite so bad.


It’s also highly acidic. A glass of orange juice or a green apple are your worst choices, but some people can eat red apples without problems—it depends on the person.


Not only is it inherently acidic, but the caffeine it contains also generates additional stomach acid. If you must sip, decaf generally has lower acid levels than regular.

So what options are left when the midnight munchies strike? Koufman suggests anything that’s low in acid, such as bananas, a bowl of low-sugar cereal with low-fat milk or, her favorite, chamomile tea. “It’s soothing,” she says. “It sort of fills you up and settles the stomach.”


Which is Better, Heat Transfer or Sublimation?

               Which is Better, Heat Transfer or Sublimation?

    When you are just entering the wonderful world of t-shirt making and personalized garments, you may have a question: which is better, heat transfer or sublimation?


The Benefits of Creating T-Shirts

The Benefits of Creating T-Shirts

  1. Plenty of people set up t-shirts while they'll have events which include bachelor soiree, marriage ceremony and birthday celebrations where they would like all people to appear unanimous in the t-shirts they produced.

  2. A second fashionable method to build t-shirts is to market them. Let's claim you think you uncovered the following new popular web meme, you might merely create a t- shirt by working with that meme and provide it to the globe and come up with vast benefit from it. 

  3. One other attractive motive why it is advisable to design your t-shirt is that by that action, you'll be confident to be the only person carrying the t-shirt you made at the gathering prepared for upcoming week-end! You can also create t-shirts for special birthday bachelor or thematic gatherings!

  There are actually not only consumers who like to make t-shirts, there can be as well several suppliers who set up t- shirts for their workers & pals. By developing t-shirts, the enterprise makes certain that their workers may send out the idea of the trade name.


The Steps of Making Beautiful Prints Premium Matte Photo Paper

The Steps of Making Beautiful Prints Premium Matte Photo Paper

    1. Begin with a high quality photo. Digital photos should be high enough resolution to print at the size you want at 300 dpi (dots per inch).

    2. Set your image processing software to your desired print resolution and not screen resolution.

    3. Many printers on the market will produce a good-looking print these days. If you want to bump it up a notch, look for a printer that can use heavier or textured paper, such as premium matte photo paper, adhesive vinyl sheets and large format paper.

    4. Paper. A good print requires good paper. Inkjet glossy photo paper will give you a bright, crisp image. Premium matte photo paper has a warmer, more subdued look. Paper is fun--cotton rag, linen, pearl, canvas and vinyl--try a sample pack to see what you like working with. It can get expensive, but there are discount sources online, and after some playing around with sample packs, you'll buy smarter.

    5. Color management. This may be more scientific than you want to get, but if you're ready to take home photo printing to the next level, read on. Should you find that the color of your prints just isn't matching up to the beautiful color of the image on your monitor, ICC (International Color Consortium) Profiles can help you with controlling the accuracy of color between your camera, display, and printer. Ask your paper manufacturer for the ICC profiles for your printer, or visit color.org for more information.

    6. Experiment! This is why photo paper sample packs are so great. You're not just printing, you're making art. Trial and error are part of the process.

    7. Displaying your photos. You can get really DIY with this, or you can keep it simple.


The Important Knowledge of Glossy Photo Paper

Glossy photo paper is an amazing option for printing pictures at home or office or even anywhere outside. You can easily take out the print from most of the printers. But make sure that you adhere to the technical specifications of the printers as there are some printers which are quite restricted on the weight of the glossy paper that they can actually hold. Plain paper, heavy plain paper, glossy, matte, super glossy, t-shirt transfer, bright white, business card paper, recycled, or just any other print paper you want to use for printing the pictures, it is always your personal taste, costing and the quality of output that matters at the end. Get ready to buy the printing paper of your choice and have a superb picture effect landing to your kitty.

Application: It becomes very important that you clearly understand the application areas of a glossy photo paper. It is used to print pictures on. The paper has a shine to it that leaves the picture shiny as opposed to the flat matte finish. It comes in a variety of sizes. It has been a favorite throughout photographic history; the shine to it is attractive and adds a certain amount of pop to the picture. Glossy paper also comes in a variety of types. All glossy photo paper is shiny; the weight is the differentiating factor. The heavier the weight of the paper the longer the photo will last. The heavier the weight of the paper the more expensive it will be. Also the size as in the length and the width will also vary and will play a considerable roll in the cost of the glossy photo paper. There are plenty of places to purchase it. Office supply stores will have it because they sell picture printers, discount type warehouse stores will sell it as well, it sometimes shows up in some very unlikely places, convenience stores sometimes carries it. It is widely available because it is widely used. In a nutshell, there are plenty of options when it comes to purchase and application of glossy photo paper.

Costs: Cost play a vital part while choosing a glossy photo paper. The cost factor is often directly proportional to the amount of shine you want to bring to the photo art.